With Tropical Storm/Hurricane Henri approaching, the Town of Smithfield Emergency Management Officials are closely monitoring its path and forecast.
The Fire and Police Departments are at the ready and on standby. Additional resources are on standby as needed. All of the Smithfield public service departments have been preparing their equipment, and have personnel on standby.
The Smithfield Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is at the ready and will be staffed.
Residents and business owners are strongly encouraged to secure any items that are subject to flying around in storm winds, potentially causing damage or injury.
Local and social media outlets will be your resource for power outages and restoration. Please do not call the Police or Fire Department to ask about time frames for power restoration.
Residents are asked to do your best to stay off the roads during the height of the storm. In the event you are on the road it is advised that you do NOT drove through extremely large puddles as they can cause your vehicle to shut down and you could become stuck inside the vehicle.
Stay clear of downed utility wires, always assume they are energized and potentially deadly. Just because your house may not have power doesn’t mean the wires in the street are not live.
Stay tuned to the Town’s Social Media platforms for additional updates